
浙东物理前沿讲坛第206讲暨宁波大学高压物理科学研究院学术论坛第29讲:Potential applications of superhydrides in electronics
发布时间: 2024-04-07 19:16
作者: 但雅倩

报告人:Dmitrii Semenok 博士

报告时间:2024年04月08日(周一) 下午 15:30



Dr. Dmitrii Semenok received his Ph.D. degree in 2022 at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech, Moscow, Russia) under supervision of Prof. Artem Oganov. He got two MSc degrees in 2018 from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and Skoltech after defense of his MS thesis devoted to computer modeling of superconducting hydrides of transition metals, lanthanides and actinides under high pressure. Dmitrii has participated in discoveries and studies of most of the metal polyhydrides known today, including ThH10, YH6, CeH9, PrH9, NdH9, EuH9, BaH12, SrH22, SnH4, La4H23, (La, Y)H10, (La, Nd)H10, (La,Ce)H10, CsH7, RbH9 etc.


Pressure-stabilized hydrides are a new rapidly growing class of high-temperature superconductors. The remarkable properties of H3S (TC = 200 K), YH6 (TC = 224 K) and LaH10 (TC = 250 K) at 130-200 GPa catalyzed the search for superconductivity in compressed ternary (X,Y)-H polyhydrides that can be obtained by pulsed laser heating of various alloys and intermetallics with hydrogen in diamond anvil cells.

In my report, I will talk about recent results related to superconductivity in La-Sc-H and La-Ce-H ternary systems, including studies in strong pulsed magnetic fields up to 68 Tesla, pulsed critical current measurements up to 0.25 A. Hall effect, X-ray diffraction data and magnetoresistance of these ternary compounds will be discussed.  But the most surprising thing is the possibility of detecting light in bolometer mode using (La,Sc)H10-12 and high-pressure diamond anvil cells already at 230-240 K. This opens up the prospect of creating compact detectors for spectrometers (e.g., Raman) that require virtually no cooling and can achieve the sensitivity of silicon detectors cooled with liquid nitrogen.
