报告题目:Geometric Capacity and Rigidity Theorem
报告专家:Lihe Wang, SJTU and University of Iowa
报告地点:阳明学院 303
We will introduce a geometric quantity of domain that is related with the usual capacity and has rigidity consequences. Namely that if a domain has the geometric capacity as that of a cone in each of the neighborhood near a point, then it must be a cone of the same solid angle. As a consequence, we will show that if its capacity has the of the half space near each of its boundary point, then it must be a half space. Regularity theorems are also discussed for some localized capacity conditions
报告题目:Global Wellposedness and Traveling Wave Solutions of PDE Models of Chemotaxis
报告专家:Tong Li, SJTU and University of Iowa
报告地点:阳明学院 303
We investigate global existence and long ime behavior of solutions for PDE models of chemotaxis. These models include the classical Keller-Segel model and its variations such as a model reflecting rotational chemotactic motion. Moreover, we establish the existence and the nonlinear stability of large-amplitude traveling wave solutions to the system of nonlinear conservation laws derived from Keller-Segel model.
王立河,1989年博士毕业于美国纽约大学库朗研究所,现为美国爱荷华大学数学系教授,上海交通大学致远讲席教授,特聘教授,美国Sloan Research Fellowship获得者。王教授在偏微分方程、微分几何、调和分析等基础理论及应用等方面研究取得了一系列在国际上有影响的成果,是国际公认的偏微分方程正则性研究专家。主要研究问题包括极小曲面、热流方程、流体方程和随机微分方程等。
发布时间: 2016-06-28 16:58