报 告 人:张耀中教授(澳大利亚昆士兰大学)
报告题目:On the k-photon quantum Rabi model: its Bargmann-Hilbert space and analytic solution
摘要:The use of Hilbert spaces of entire functions (the Bargmann-Hilbert spaces) offers interesting and tractable methods for handling dynamical systems. In this talk we introduce new Bargmann-Hilbert spaces and apply them to analyze the k-photon Rabi model. We prove that the 2-photon Rabi model is defined in the suitable Hilbert space of entire functions only when the frequency and couple strength satisfy certain constraint. We obtain analytic representations of solutions to this model. Furthermore, we show that the k-photon Rabi model with k greater than or equal to 3 is undefined (i.e. does not have entire wave functions in the Bargmann-Hilbert space) for all model parameters.