报 告 人:Yuliang Zheng (University of North Carolina)
报告题目:Collision Accessible One-Way Hash Functions
A "sibling intractable function family (SIFF)" is a collection ofone-way hash functions that admit two seemingly contradictory properties: on one hand, it is infeasible for an attacker, who is given k siblings that are known to be hashed/mapped to the same output, to find a new sibling that is also hashed to the same output; one the other hand, it is easy to pick a function from amongst all those candidate hash functions that force given k input values to be hashed to the same output. In this talk, I will review SIFF and show how it can be further extended to a broader class of hash functions. I will also discuss some interesting applications of such functions, including access control and multi-recipient encryption in a heterogeneous environment.
Professor Yuliang Zheng is known as the father of signcryption technology which is now an international standard for data security. His pioneering research into immunizing public key encryption against adaptive attacks has been embodied in numerous international standards for public key cryptography, including those from ISO, IEEE and IETF. Professor Zheng's contributions to nonlinear Boolean functions have found applications in both applied mathematics and data security. An internationally recognized authority in cryptography and network security, Professor Zheng has published over 200 scholarly articles and books on security and holds a multiple number of patents in cyber security. He plays an active leadership role in international research communities, serving as the Chair of the Steering Committee of the Public Key Cryptography (PKC) conferences sponsored by the International Association for Cryptologic Research.
报 告 人:Shuhong Gao(Clemson University)
报告题目:Recent progress on computing Groebner bases
Polynomial systems are ubiquitous in Mathematics, Sciences and Engineerings, and Groebner basis theory is one of the most powerful tools for solving polynomial systems from practice. Buchberger (1965) gave the first algorithm for computing Groebner bases and introduced some simple criterions for detecting useless S-pairs. Faugere (2002) presented the F5 algorithm which is significantly much faster than Buchberger's algorithm and can detect all useless S-pairs for regular sequences of homogeneous polynomials. In recent years, there has been extensive effort trying to simply F5 and to give a rigorous mathematical foundation for F5. In this talk, we present a simple criterion for strong Groebner bases that contain Groebner bases for both ideals and the related syzygy modules. This criterion can detect all useless J-pairs (without performing any reduction) for any sequence of polynomials, thus yielding an efficient algorithm for computing Groebner bases and a simple proof of finite termination of the algorithm. This is a joint work with Frank Volny IV (National Security Agency) and Mingsheng Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences).
Short Bio:
Shuhong Gao received his BS (1983) and MS (1986) from Department of Mathematics, Sichuan University, China, and PhD degree (1993) from Department of Combinatorics and Optimization, University of Waterloo, Canada. From 1993 to 1995, he was an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow in Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada. He joined Clemson University, USA, in 1995 as an assistant professor in Mathematical Sciences, and was promoted to associate professor in 2000 and to full professor in 2002. Professor Gao has published over 60 papers in the areas of combinatorial design theory, finite fields, coding theory, cryptography, symbolic computation, and computational algebraic geometry. His research has been supported by grants from NSA, NSF and ONR. More information about his research and teaching can be found at //www.math.clemson.edu/~sgao.
报 告 人:胡磊(中国科学院信息工程研究所)