
发布时间: 2015-10-19 09:11


报告题目:Single-Atom Magnetometry: Mapping Atomic Magnetism by Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spin Excitation Spectroscopy

报告人:Lihui Zhou(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany)

报告时间:10月19日(周一) 下午3:00




The miniaturization of magnetic systems, of both scientific and technological interests, towards single atoms calls for a technique capable of imaging spin structures at the atomic scale, which has remained challenging because of the involved extremely low spatial and energy scales. Here I will talk about mapping atomic magnetism with a home developed technique, so-called single-atom magnetometry.

First, I will present the development of a method to measure magnetization curves of one single atom by spin-polarized STM. It is used to investigate fundamental magnetic properties like magnetic stability and low-energy indirect exchange interactions. While single-atom magnetization curves study the ground states, the spin excitation spectroscopy detects excited state properties. I use this spectroscopy to study the spin dynamics of atoms on metals. It is further used to investigate magnetic atoms on a superconducting substrate revealing delicate interplays of superconductivity, Kondo effect, and spin excitation at the atomic scale.



Zhou is Staff Scientist at Quantum Materials Department in Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. He holds a physics Bachelor and Master (2003, 2006) Degree from Fudan University, and a PhD Degree (2011) from Wiesendanger group in Hamburg University in Germany. His PhD research was on mapping single-atom magnetism with spin resolved STM. He developed for the first time the method to measure magnetization curves of a single atom with STM. Currently, he uses spectroscopic imaging STM to study the electronic excitation spectrum of quantum materials. He is an expert of magnetism, UHV technique, and STM. He has built several UHV low-temperature STM setup for the study of exotic materials. Zhou has published featured scientific publications, received a number of scientific awards and given a couple of invited talks at international conferences. He has also supervised two PhD students and one Master student. 
