
发布时间: 2011-12-09 00:00



报告人:Jeffrey T. Fong, Ph.D, U. S. National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)

报告题目:Modern Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, and Design of Experiments for Improving Reliability of Aging Engineering Structures

报告时间:20111212 1330-14:30

报告地点:理学院 311



In this talk, we begin with a fascinating story, as told by Prof. David Hand of Imperial College, London, in a 2008 book entitled “Statistics: A Brief Insight (Sterling).” In that book, he explained how statistics has been transformed by computers in about fifty years (1939 - 1989) from a dry Victorian discipline concerned with the manual manipulation of columns of numbers, to a sophisticated new technology, which he named “modern statistics,” involving the most advanced of software tools.

To illustrate this multi-scale modeling concept, we introduce 4 sample applications using a powerful, English-language-based, public-domain statistical analysis software named DATAPLOT. 

Significance of this multi-scale approach to high-consequence structural engineering decision making is discussed.


Biographical Sketch of Speaker:

Since 1968, Dr. Fong has been a senior researcher at the Applied and Computational Mathematics Division of the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, with the title of Physicist, Postdocs Advisor, & Project Manager.


Dr. Fong has been active in professional societies since the 1970s. He served in many leadership positions such as the Chairman of the ASTM Subcommittee E9.01 on Fatigue Research in 1979-81, and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Division in 1986-87.  A co-founder of the ASME Nondestructive Evaluation Division in 1986, Dr. Fong has taught continuing education courses for more than thirty years at ASTM, ASME, and American Ceramic Society (ACerS) conferences on the subject of “Modern Statistics, Exploratory Data Analysis, and Design of Experiments for Improving Reliability of NDE and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM).”

