
发布时间: 2017-12-06 14:41


报告题目: First-principles Study of Defect Control in Thin-film Photovoltaic Materials  

报告人:  魏苏淮教授   

单  位 北京计算科学研究中心  




     First-principles study of photovoltaic (PV) materials plays an important role in developing PV technologies because it can provide useful physical insights, fresh perspective and new design principles for developing innovative PV materials with high solar cell efficiency and reduced cost. A good solar cell absorber material should have appropriate band gap (1.0 ~ 1.5 eV) with high solar light absorption and correct band location/alignment relative to the extraction layers to form a good interface with contacting layer. More importantly, a good solar cell material also should have good defect properties so that it can be doped well such that charge carriers can be created easily to generate the required electric field and has less defect-induced recombination centers such that it has high carrier life time and minority carrier mobility so photo-generated charge can be easily collected. Currently, most issues related to PV absorbers can be traced back to certain defect related issues. In this talk, using thin-film solar cell absorber materials CdTe, CIGS, and CZTS and Perovskites as examples, I will discuss how theoretical first-principles studies can be used to better understand and improve the solar cell performance.  


魏苏淮教授是国际著名半导体物理专家,他全职回国之前任职于美国再生能源国家实验室 (NREL), 为理论材料研究组组长,Institute Research Fellow (NREL最高级别科学家)。现任北京计算科学研究中心教授、材料与能源研究部主任,他同时也是美国物理学会 (1999) 和材料学会会士 (2014)。他的研究领域集中在光伏材料,发光材料等新型能源材料的设计; 半导体材料中的缺陷物理;合金和超晶格材料;和纳米材料。魏教授到目前为止发表了450余篇SCI研究论文 (其中PRL 68篇)。他的论文总引用大于36000次,H因子高达~94.