报告题目:Accelerated Expansion of the Universe based on Emergence of Space and Thermodynamics of the Horizon
单 位:浙江大学物理系
报告时间:2018年1月7日 下午 14:30-15:00
报告摘要:Researches in the several decades have shown that the dynamics of gravity is closely related to thermodynamics of the horizon. In this paper, we derive the Friedmann acceleration equation based on the idea of "emergence of space" and thermodynamics of the Hubble horizon whose temperature is obtained from the unified first law of thermodynamics. Then we derive another evolution equation of the universe based on the energy balance relation rVH=TS. Combining the two evolution equations and the equation of state of the cosmic matter, we obtain the evolution solutions of the FRW universe. We find that the solutions obtained by us include the solutions obtained in the standard general relativity(GR) theory. Therefore, it is more general to describe the evolution of the universe in the thermodynamic way.
1982年获大连理工大学学士, 1985年中国科技大学硕士, 1988年西北大学博士, 复旦大学博士后。研究领域:量子场论与基本粒子理论;量子信息和量子计算。主要研究兴趣:量子场论的非微扰研究与弦理论,这方面的主要兴趣是关于D-膜动力学、弦场论、膜世界与宇宙学及弦理论的非微扰表述的研究。有质量可积量子场论方面的研究兴趣在孤子的量子理论和边界可积场论的研究。在量子信息和量子计算方面,感兴趣的课题有:量子信息与量子测量理论的联系、量子态的制备和辨识和量子逻辑元件的物理实现。