题 目:Some impossible geometric results in diffeology
报告人:邬恩信 副教授
单 位: 汕头大学
时 间:2018年3月15日(星期四)14:00-15:00
地 点: 阳明学院(包玉书九号楼)303
Diffeological spaces are natural generalization of smooth manifolds, including infinite-dimensional manifolds (eg. diffeomorphism groups of smooth manifolds) and singular spaces (eg. irrational tori). In this talk, I will give a gentle introduction to the basic theory of diffeology, focused on the geometric aspects --tangent spaces and tangent bundles. I will show two impossible results at the end of the talk: 1) it is impossible to classify all diffeological bundles with respect to smooth homotopy; 2) there is no universal connection 1-form on any universal bundle.