第29讲题目:The Mystery of the Inaudible Sound
单 位:University of Vermont, United States
报告摘要:Ultrasound is one category of sound waves, its frequency is greater than audible range (≥ 20 kHz). As a mechanical wave it does not involve any ionic radiation and it can be focused to a sub-millimeter scale into a living human being for frequency in the mega hertz range, focused Ultrasound (FUS) is widely used in imaging. In the past 20 years, it has now become a noninvasive medical modality which can be used in the cancer treatment; targeted drug delivery for Parkinson’s and Alzhemer’s diseases and many other diseases. It can also used as a technolodge to treat blast water.
报告人简介:Junru Wu is a world renowned experimental physicist, with expertise in ultrasonics, biophysics and nonlinear physics. He joined UVM in 1987 and rose through the ranks to Full Professor in 1996. He is currently Chair of the Department of Physics. He has published more than 150 papers in prominent journals as well as two major research monographs. His experimental discovery of non-propagating hydrodynamic solitons in 1984, published in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters, was listed as one of the most important achievements in physics acoustics in Acoustical Society of America 75th Anniversary Time-Line. His invited review article "Ultrasound, cavitation bubbles and their interaction with cells" is considered one of the most influential articles in the field of targeted drug delivery. In addition to being a world-renowned scholar, Professor Wu is also a high-profile inventor. He owns or co-owns seven U.S. patents. Together with his former Ph.D. student, he also founded a high-tech company, Microgen Systems Inc. in 2007, and successfully commercialized their energy harvesting technology. He and his student both received The University of Vermont Inventors Hall of Fame Award in 2015. With decades of sustained, productive research, mentoring of students at the graduate and undergraduate levels, extensive research collaboration and funding, inventive entrepreneurship, and considerable university and professional service, Professor Junru Wu is highly deserving of this year's University Scholar Award.
单 位:南京大学
报告摘要:强超声进入液体后,液体中的溶解气体被激活,成为肉眼可见的微米级气泡,这种现象称声空化,微气泡称为空化泡。物理的和化学的实验证实,空化泡内部温度 >104 K,压力~103 atm。极端的高温高压可以产生很多物理和化学效应,以及潜在的工业、医学和生活应用。本讲座围绕声空化阐述相关的背景知识,同时介绍声空化效应及其应用。