报告题目:Loewy Factorizable Algebraic ODEs and Hayman's Conjecture
报告人: 吴成发博士 深圳大学高等研究院
报告摘要:This talk is devoted to the study on the growth, in terms of the Nevanlinna charac-teristic function, of meromorphic solutions of Loewy factorizable algebraic ordinary di_erential equations. It is shown that for generic cases all their meromorphic solutions belong to class W, which consists of elliptic functions and their degenerations. Then thorough study is focused on the second order factorizable algebraic ODEs and except for one case among them, all the meromorphic solutions are found explicitly. Finally, the conjecture proposed by Hayman in 1996 is veri_ed for these cases.
Dr. Chengfa Wu received his Bachelors degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2009 and his PhD from the University of Hong Kong in 2014. Now he works in the Institute for Advanced Study at Shenzhen as an Assistant Professor. His current research interests include complex di_erential equations and integrable systems.