报告题目:2D Perovskite-Based Metasurfaces for Enhanced Plasmonic Sensing
报告人: 曾淑雯 博士/玛丽居里学者
单 位: French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), 法国国家科学研究中心
Plasmonic sensors are known as an efficient tool for real time monitoring biomolecular interactions. The detection mechanism is based on the field perturbation at the plasmonic sensing interface induced by the binding of molecules. This molecular binding process could be recorded through reflected light signal when the surface plasmon is excited by the incident light. In this talk, we will present the use of hybrid 2D perovskite-based metasurface nanostructures as a plasmonic sensing substrate. The thickness of the sensing substrate is tuned in an atomic scale and optimized to obtain an enhanced sensing effect. More specifically, a sharp phase signal change and phase-related Goos-Hänchen signal shift was achieved that results from the strong resonance. The improved sensitivities of 2D Perovskite nanostructures were investigated. It is worth noting that the atomic layer design led to the sensing substrate optimized with a tuning scale less than 1 nm. By precisely design the metasurface substrates, more than 4 orders of magnitude improvement of the sensitivity (900,000 um/RIU) were obtained in comparison to the one with pure gold sensing substrate (400 um/RIU). This 2D perovskite-based metasurfaces would pave a way for the development of ultrasensitive and compact biosensors for in-situ applications.
Shuwen Zeng is currently the group leader for plasmonic sensing division of Photonics department and also an EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow at XLIM Research Institute, UMR 7252 CNRS/University of Limoges, France. She earned her Ph.D. from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, followed by three years of postdoctoral research at CNRS-International-NTU-THALES Research Alliance (CINTRA)/UMI 3288, Singapore. Her main research interests focus on engineering plasmonic nanostructures-based ultrasensitive chemical and biological sensors.
曾淑雯, 2014年5月于新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)电子工程系获得博士学位。2014-2018年在法国-新加坡政府合作CINTRA重点实验室,即法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS),法国最大航空国防公司(THALES)-NTU共同成立的联合实验室从事博士后研究工作,并于2018年获得欧盟“玛丽居里国际引进人才基金奖” (EU Marie Curie Individual Fellowship”前往法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)光电重点研究所XLIM Research Institute做欧盟居里研究学者,师从XLIM研究所所长Dominique Baillargeat教授, 总资助金额达18万欧元。主要从事光电子学以及纳米光子学的研究,在硫化钼,石墨烯等二维材料的物性调控与光电传感器件等领域取得了多项原创性研究成果。以第一作者或者通讯作者身份发表论文近三十篇,影响因子IF>15的3篇,3-10的近20篇,包括Chemical Reviews (IF 47.928), Chemical Society Reviews (IF 38.618), Advanced Materials (IF 19.791), Small (IF 8.315), Sensors and Actuators (IF 5.410), Plasmonics, Analyst, Journal of Physical Chemistry B等国际著名学术期刊。文章总引用次数1700余次,H-index=14,2篇论文被选为ESI高引用论文(Zeng et al. Chem. Soc Rev 2014,Zeng et al, Plasmonics 2011) 均为一作,其中单篇综述型论文最高引用次数超过450次,单篇研究型论文最高引用次数超过110次 (Zeng et al. Sens. Actuators. B,2015)。曾淑雯博士于2015年获得国际纳米光子学会议Nature Photonics最佳论文奖,2017年进入由美国康奈尔大学资助的Data Science Research Fellowship半决赛,录取率低于3%。