
浙东物理前沿讲坛第71讲: First-principles Research in MXene-Blue Phosphorene and MXene-MoS2Transistor(2022年第2讲)
发布时间: 2022-03-16 08:42
作者: 陈栋


First-principles Research in MXene-Blue Phosphorene and MXene-MoS2Transistor

报告人:宁波工程学院 周裕鸿博士




周裕鸿,2015年毕业于华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院,获博士学位。现为宁波工程学院电信学院专职教师,长期从事分子电子学的理论研究,在低维材料的几何结构与电子结构计算、纳米与分子电子器件的电子输运和自旋输运计算取得重要研究成果。在Journal of Physical Chemistry CNanoscaleJournal of Applied Physics等著名国际期刊发表SCI论文20多篇,主持和参与多项国家级和省级项目。最近的研究方向为集成电路与微纳器件设计,开展低维材料在下一代纳电子器件中的应用研究。

报告摘要:In the semiconductor industry, one of the most important steps in the development of electronic devices is the discovery of electrode materials that are suitable for ohmic contact. As a newly found type of 2D materials, MXenes have been explored as materials for use in field effect transistors (FETs) with promising performances, which urges for the underlying mechanisms to be understood. In this work, the behaviors of the 5–10 nm device models for monolayer blue phosphorene (BlueP) and MoS2 with a MXene electrode are investigated using ab initio quantum transport simulations. Firstly, the interfacial properties of BlueP and MoS2 in contact with M3C2T2 (M = Ti, Zr, or Hf; T = F, OH, or O) MXene are studied. The results show that OH and some of the F functionalized MXenes form an n-type ohmic contact with BlueP or MoS2, while the O functionalized MXenes form a p-type ohmic contact with BlueP and MoS2.Accordingly, when the FET model is built with M3C2(OH)2 electrodes, these FETs exhibit high on-currents due to the ohmic contacts with subthreshold swing between 100 200 mV/decade, and high on/off ratios up to 106 at a bias voltage of 0.5 V. Our results imply that a FET with a sub-10 nm channel length can satisfy the requirements of both high performance and low power logic applications. The results from this study indicate that MXenes may act as the appropriate electrode for high-performance BlueP and MoS2 FETs, which may provide new clues to guide the application of various 2D materials in electronics.