报告时间:2022年11月17日 下午2:00
报告题目:Incorporating Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle into Quantum Multiparameter Estimation
The quantum multiparameter estimation is very different from the classical multiparameter estimation due to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. When the optimal measurements for different parameters are incompatible, they cannot be jointly performed. We find a correspondence relationship between the inaccuracy of a measurement for estimating the unknown parameter with the measurement error in the context of measurement uncertainty relations. Taking this correspondence relationship as a bridge, we incorporate Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle into quantum multiparameter estimation by giving a trade-off relation between the measurement inaccuracies for estimating different parameters. For pure quantum states, this trade-off relation is tight, so it can reveal the true quantum limits on individual estimation errors in such cases. We apply our approach to derive the trade-off between attainable errors of estimating the real and imaginary parts of a complex signal encoded in coherent states and obtain the joint measurements attaining the trade-off relation. We also show that our approach can be readily used to derive the trade-off between the errors of jointly estimating the phase shift and phase diffusion without explicitly parametrizing quantum measurements。
王晓光,浙江大学物理学院教授,博士生导师,2000年博士毕业于中国科学院长春物理所。曾在中科院物理所、意大利国际科学交流学院等研究机构做博士后研究。主要研究领域包括量子信息与计算理论,量子光学,和凝聚态理论。2001年他的关于海森堡模型热纠缠的研究被他引500余次,是国际上在这个方面最早的三篇论文之一,引发了量子信息和其它相关物理领域关于量子纠缠的大量后续工作。2011年在Physics Reports发表综述性论文,系统评述了量子自旋压缩的理论和实验,被引用200余次。SCI收录论文200余篇,其中《物理评论》系列刊物上共60余篇;论文共被SCI他引8000余次。1998年获中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖2005年获国务院政府特殊津贴,2006年入选教育部新世纪人才计划,2010年获得国家杰出科学青年基金,2012年入选浙江省151第一层次人才,2020年获得高等学校科学研究优秀成果二等奖",担任全国力学教学委员会副理事长,SCI杂志《Communication in Theoretical Physics》编委,并结合自身多年教学经验编著理论力学课程教材《理论力学及其专题分析》,目前承担国家自然科学基金重点项目1项。