
浙东物理前沿讲座第154讲:Effective potential and superfluidity of microwave-dressed polar molecules (2023第35讲)
发布时间: 2023-08-24 11:36

报告时间:2023年8月25日 上午 10:30


报告人: 易俗(研究员,中国科学院理论物理研究所


易俗,中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员。2002年于佐治亚理工学院物理系获博士学位。随后相继在佐治亚理工学院和莱斯大学做博士后研究。2005年加入中国科学院理论物理研究所,入选中国科学院“百人计划”。2010年获国家杰出青年基金资助。主要从事原子分子与光物理的理论研究,研究方向包括超冷原子分子物理、量子模拟与量子精密测量等方向的理论研究。在包括Phys. Rev. Lett.和Phys. Rev. A/B等期刊发表文章80余篇。


We analytically show that the effective interaction potential between microwave-shielded polar molecules consists of an anisotropic van der Waals–like shielding core and a modified dipolar interaction. This effective potential is validated by comparing its scattering cross sections with those calculated using intermolecular potential involving all interaction channels. It is shown that a scattering resonance can be induced under microwave fields reachable in current experiments. With the effective potential, we further study the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer pairing in the microwave-shielded NaK gas. We show that the superfluid critical temperature is drastically enhanced near the resonance. As the effective potential is suitable for exploring the many-body physics of molecular gases, our results pave the way for studies of the ultracold gases of microwave-shielded molecular gases.
