
浙东物理前沿讲坛第174讲暨宁波大学高压物理科学研究院学术论坛第23讲:Graphene: from fundamental research to applications
发布时间: 2023-11-19 21:55
作者: 但雅倩

报告人:申泽骧 教授




申泽骧,博士,物理和材料学教授,先进光子技术中心联合主任、南洋理工大学研究生院副院长。其研究涉及使用超低波数拉曼光谱、光致发光和时间分辨光谱结合高压和低温研究二维材料和钙钛矿材料;另外还研究用于储能的石墨烯复合材料。是南洋理工大学南洋研究与创新奖获得者,新加坡物理学会卓越研究金奖,俄罗斯科学院外籍院士,莫斯科国立大学名誉教授。2019年被授予新加坡杰出移民奖。是Clarivate Analytics的全球高被引研究员,被引用超过52,000次,H 指数110


Graphene is a wonder material with extraordinary properties such as ultra-high mechanical strength, ballistic conductivity, superior thermal conduction, corrosion resistance, making it an ideal material for many applications in nano electronics, display, energy storage, environmental technologies, and augmented armour.

In this talk, I will highlight some of the work our group has done in understanding and manipulating the properties of graphene. Our group pioneered the technique using Raman microscopy to determine the thickness of graphene layers which has now become the standard method for the study of 2D materials; our study on the graphene edge stability has led the discovery of a new type of material, close-edged graphene which have completely novel properties as well as potential applications in nano-electronics and energy harvesting; the transformation between semiconducting and metallic trilayer graphene opens up probability of building electronic devices in pure 3-layer graphene; by controlling the chirality of the pseudospin states in such graphene will result in its bandgap opening and charge separation, which can be used as the chirality-controlled pseudospin diode, transistor, and the advanced graphene devices for logic electronics. In the last part, I will report on some work we have done on applications of graphene composites on energy storage.
